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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu comp.unix.sysv386:28613 comp.unix.xenix.sco:7106 news.answers:3919
- Newsgroups: comp.unix.sysv386,comp.unix.xenix.sco,news.answers
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!wupost!usc!cs.utexas.edu!chinacat!chip
- From: chip@chinacat.unicom.com (Chip Rosenthal)
- Subject: SCO Enhanced Feature Supplements [summary of recent changes]
- Expires: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 06:15:57 GMT
- Organization: Unicom Systems Development, Austin, TX
- Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1992 06:15:56 GMT
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Message-ID: <sco-efs-diff-921106@chinacat.unicom.com>
- Followup-To: comp.unix.sysv386,comp.unix.xenix.sco
- Supersedes: <sco-efs-diff-921009@chinacat.unicom.com>
- Lines: 99
- Archive-name: sco-efs
- News-answers-archive-name: sco/efs
- Posting-frequency: monthly
- Version: 1.11
- This posting summarizes recent changes to the repertoire of free
- Enhanced Feature Supplements available from the Santa Cruz Operation.
- These EFSs may be downloaded via anonymous uucp from sosco, scolon,
- sosffm, and uunet, as well as the SCO SOS bulletin board. A full
- listing of available EFSs also may be retrieved from these systems.
- Please see the monthly ``Welcome to comp.unix.xenix.sco'' posting (in
- the comp.unix.xenix.sco newsgroup) for information on how to access
- these systems.
- *** /tmp/faq3222.prev-version Fri Nov 6 00:15:04 1992
- --- /tmp/faq3222.curr-version Fri Nov 6 00:15:03 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,9 ****
- ! @(#) sco-efs 1.10 92/10/09 02:16:11
- ! [ file sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/EFS/info retrieved on 10/9/92 ]
- ! List of SCO Enhanced Feature Supplements available for transfer using UUCP
- ! Last updated: 09/21/92
- New on 09/21/92
- efs127: SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters EFS
- --- 1,15 ----
- ! @(#) sco-efs 1.11 92/11/06 00:10:50
- ! [ file sosco!/usr/spool/uucppublic/EFS/info retrieved on 11/6/92 ]
- ! List of SCO Extended Feature Supplements available for transfer using UUCP
- ! Last updated: 10/12/92
- + New on 10/12/92
- +
- + efs129: Compaq IDA-2 Supplement
- +
- + efs128: Compaq Supplement Version 1.5
- +
- New on 09/21/92
- efs127: SCO Advanced Graphics Adapters EFS
- ***************
- *** 107,114 ****
- the format(C) command before the data can be transferred.
- 5. Follow the installation instructions given in the cover letter file.
- !
- ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- List of available Enhanced Feature Supplements
- --- 113,119 ----
- the format(C) command before the data can be transferred.
- 5. Follow the installation instructions given in the cover letter file.
- ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- List of available Enhanced Feature Supplements
- ***************
- *** 301,306 ****
- --- 306,340 ----
- EFS on your SCO UNIX System V/386 system)
- + efs128.btld.Z 73063 (03778) Compaq Supplement Version 1.5 for
- + efs128.doc.Z 69223 (37794) SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Version 2.0
- + efs128.add.Z 3775 (32135) SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Version 4.0
- + efs128.v1.Z 613933 (56728) SCO Open Desktop Release 1.1w/Update F or later
- + efs128.v2.Z 582437 (42694) SCO MPX Release 1.1 with Update A
- + efs128.v3.Z 320723 (47928) SCO MPX Release 2.0
- + efs128.mgr.Z 88707 (19152)
- +
- +
- + Please note on efs128:
- +
- + 1) The file "efs128.add.Z" is addendum documentation to the supplement.
- +
- + 2) This supplement should be put on 3.5" high density media only.
- +
- + 3) The file "efs128.mgr.Z" is the System Manger Documentation
- + ______________________________________________________________________________
- +
- +
- + efs129.Z 42438 (31030) Compaq IDA-2 Supplement for
- + efs129.doc.Z 3181 (27756) SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Version 4.1
- + SCO Open Desktop Release 2.0
- +
- +
- + Please Note:
- +
- + efs129 is available from SCO only via downloading from this machine.
- + Production copies of this EFS are available to order only from Compaq Computer
- + Corporation.